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The Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality – using EMDR therapy and “Parts” work in the treatment of Complex Trauma

Roger M. Solomon, Ph.D


Á þessu eins dags námskeiði fer Roger Solomon yfir hvernig Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality getur gagnast við vinnu með flókin áföll (Complex Trauma). Þeir sem ætla að skrá sig á Art of EMDR verða að taka þennan dag líka, hann er hluti af Art of EMDR. Þátttakendur á Art of EMDR greiða ekki aukalega fyrir þennan dag.


Samkvæmt ICD-11 þá skilgreinist Complex post traumatic stress disorder (Complex PTSD) is a disorder that may develop following exposure to an event or series of events of an extremely threatening or horrific nature, most commonly prolonged or repetitive events from which escape is difficult or impossible (e.g. torture, slavery, genocide campaigns, prolonged domestic violence, repeated childhood sexual or physical abuse). All diagnostic requirements for PTSD are met. In addition, Complex PTSD is characterised by severe and persistent 1) problems in affect regulation; 2) beliefs about oneself as diminished, defeated or worthless, accompanied by feelings of shame, guilt or failure related to the traumatic event; and 3) difficulties in sustaining relationships and in feeling close to others. These symptoms cause significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.




Þetta eru skjólstæðingarnir sem þið hafið ekki mátt vinna með eftir EMDR Weekend 1, og mælt með frekari þjálfun eftir EMDR Weekend 2 námskeiðin.  Þetta námskeið kynnir ykkur fyrir þeim fræðum, en þeir sem eru lengra komnir í þessum fræðum fá líka góða fræðslu út úr námskeiðinu.


Við þurfum frekari verkfæri til að undirbúa þessa skjólstæðinga undir EMDR úrvinnslu, og á námskeiðinu fer Roger yfir hvernig við getum nýtt Theory of Structural Dissociation getur gefið okkur ramma til þess að vinna út frá.  Hér á eftir fylgir stutt samantekt varðandi kenninguna frá Roger:


Complex trauma results when there is severe and prolonged abuse and/or neglect, especially in childhood. While rooted in memories of traumatizing events that are dysfunctionally stored, the resulting clinical picture can be more comprehensively understood and phenomenologically elaborated by The Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality (TSDP). In this framework, the traumatizing events create a division of personality in terms of dissociative parts of the personality.


Personality is defined as the dynamic organization within the individual of those biopsychosocial systems (called “action systems”) that determine his or her characteristic mental and behavioral actions. There are two major categories of action systems, those that have to do with everyday living (e.g. exploration, social engagement, care-taking, play, energy regulation and sexuality/reproduction) and those that have to do with defense of the individual when under threat (e.g. fight, flight, freeze, submission).


As a result of the trauma, the person’s personality is unduly but not completely divided among two or more of such dissociative parts each having its own, at least rudimentary, first-person perspective. The basic splitting is between the two major action systems, resulting in what is called the Emotional Part of the Personality (EP), which basically fixated in traumatic memories and defensive systems operating during the traumatic event and the Apparently Normal Part of the Personality (ANP), focused on carrying on daily life (Van der Hart et al., 2006).


Because the person is not able tolerate the emotional intensity of the traumatic memories (held by the EP), a Phase Oriented treatment approach is needed when treating complex trauma. A phase oriented approach consists of:

(1) stabilization, symptom-reduction, and skills training;

(2) treatment of traumatic memories; and

(3) (re)integration of the personality.


A variety of treatment methodologies are utilized in the treatment of complex trauma (including EMDR). However, specialty training in trauma and dissociation is essential for effective treatment.




EMDR Stofan, Vallakór 4, 203 Kópavogur. 3. hæð.



Sunnudagurinn 5. mars 2023 kl. 9-17.


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Námskeiðið er nauðsynlegur undanfari fyrir þátttakendur á Art of EMDR námskeiðinu sem verður 6. til 8. mars. Ekki er hægt að fá undanþágu frá því fyrir þá sem hafa setið svipað námskeið áður.

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